SKITTLES, SUPPER, SOCIAL - What could be better than that? News

SKITTLES, SUPPER, SOCIAL - What could be better than that?

At RMVC's Skittles night there was no holding back Alan Blandford, a youngster in his early nineties, and the Father of the Choir from giving it a go……

It was Choir Members, Deputy Chair Jim Philbin and Second Tenor Paul Hoskins who decided January called for a choir jolly in the form of a Skittles Night with dinner at the welcoming Wellow Golf Club.  In two teams the Skittles expertise amongst players did I have to say vary, but the fun for all in trying to beat the opposition could not be denied. Triumphant in game one, before settling to eat an excellent meal, was Paul Hoskins (was that suspicious?), and in the post dinner game Bryan Bolton arms aloft took the prize – though I am not sure there actually was a prize?  

A great evening Jim and Paul and thanks. Time to get organising the next one!

Thanks also to the Wellow Golf Club staff who did a sterling job taking care of RMVC and allowing the choir to ‘overrun’ its scheduled time.


    The Father of the Choir


    A great night for all.


    Anxious to see if the skittles will fall for the 'Right' team!