<![CDATA[Meet the team]]> https://www.romseymvc.co.uk/category/meet-the-team <p class="u-lead">RMVC takes an inclusive approach to decision-making with an annually elected General Choir Committee supporting the team below.</p> <p>But to misquote John F. Kennedy:</p> <blockquote> <p>&ldquo;<em>Think not what the Choir can do for you, but what you can do for the Choir</em>&rdquo;.</p> </blockquote> <p>With this philosophy we urge every singer to play a part, however small, in the organisation and running of the Choir.</p> en Sat, 22 Feb 2025 08:28:16 +0000 President: Keith Lawrenson https://www.romseymvc.co.uk/blog/keith-lawrenson https://www.romseymvc.co.uk/blog/keith-lawrenson <p>Co-founder of RMVC, Keith Lawrenson uses his winning personality and expertise to great effect to help maintain the harmony of the Choir and build its reputation for professionalism and fun. As someone not afraid to stand out in a crowd, it is not unsurprising that Keith was instrumental in the choice of colour for the Choir&rsquo;s distinctive green blazers. Keith is very proud of the Choir&rsquo;s achievements, not only in terms of its reputation for professional performance and singing, but also with regard to the support it gives to young musicians and the funds it has raised, and continues to raise, for charities.</p> Mon, 18 Apr 2016 00:00:00 +0000 Chairman: Kevin Cleary https://www.romseymvc.co.uk/blog/geoff-skinner https://www.romseymvc.co.uk/blog/geoff-skinner <p style="margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt;">Picking up the reins from previous great RMVC Chairmen&nbsp;Kevin Cleary lost no time in beginning his job of leading the Choir and supporting it in taking the next step forward in its development. Whilst preserving the essence of RMVC and its philosophy&nbsp;Kevin welcomes fresh thinking and ideas and brings his enthusiasm and love of the Choir to gently steer change where this is wanted. Kevin&rsquo;s approach is inclusive, he keeps his finger on the pulse, while also being keen to facilitate the valuable contribution of other Choir members through delegation. As with former Chairmen he is committed to RMVC&rsquo;s motto of &lsquo;Singing fun taken seriously&rsquo; which is why he will continue as RMVC's Social Secretary as well as Choir Marshall.</p> Mon, 18 Apr 2016 00:00:00 +0000 Deputy Chair: Jim Philbin https://www.romseymvc.co.uk/blog/terry-morrison https://www.romseymvc.co.uk/blog/terry-morrison <p>As deputy chairman, Jim heads up the music committee and concert committee, which between them run the choir day to day. Jim has plenty of back up, but his roles cover sorting out the music, the concerts, the rehearsals, and standing in for the Chairman when needed. Jim brings his own brand of enthusiasm and new ideas to the table to support the Choir grows and evolves.</p> Mon, 18 Apr 2016 00:00:00 +0000 Concert Secretary: Steve Williams https://www.romseymvc.co.uk/blog/dave-witt https://www.romseymvc.co.uk/blog/dave-witt <p style="margin: 0cm 0cm 10pt;">Steve coordinates the musical content of our concerts with our MD and the Music Committee. Liaising closely with other choirs and organisations with whom or for whom we are performing, he sorts out the venues, transport and, for our weekend tours, hotel accommodation, making sure we all arrive at the same place at the right time for rehearsals etc. Working closely with RMVC's volunteer designer he helps create the programmes for &lsquo;home&rsquo; events and holds plans for concerts for the next year and beyond.</p> Mon, 18 Apr 2016 00:00:00 +0000 Treasurer: Robert Le Grice https://www.romseymvc.co.uk/blog/andrew-fleming https://www.romseymvc.co.uk/blog/andrew-fleming <p>Every choir, especially one which is also a registered charity, needs a brilliant treasurer, and RMVC has&nbsp;always been fortunate in those who have stepped forward to take on the job. Working meticulously, and often behind the scenes,&nbsp;our treasurers&nbsp; give the Choir the crucial reassurances that its financial affairs are kept in the best order, and are in safe and very capable hands.&nbsp;Treasurers also bring an essential perspective to decision-making within the Choir Committee.</p> Mon, 18 Apr 2016 00:00:00 +0000 Secretary: Steve Bartlett https://www.romseymvc.co.uk/blog/mike-townend https://www.romseymvc.co.uk/blog/mike-townend <p>Steve has the all important job of taking care of the Choir's administrative tasks, including servicing the Choir Committee meetings, and RMVC&rsquo;s Annual General Meeting. As well as this his primary contribution as a Committee Member is maintaining a finger on the pulse of the Choir making sure nothing critical is forgotten.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> Mon, 18 Apr 2016 00:00:00 +0000 Membership Secretary: Nigel Terry https://www.romseymvc.co.uk/blog/mike-gardiner https://www.romseymvc.co.uk/blog/mike-gardiner <p>The Membership Secretary&rsquo;s job of keeping everyone informed and updated about who is who, is crucial to the right people being included in the right communications, including global emails and communications filtered through section representatives. A comprehensive list helps new recruits get to know colleagues, and&nbsp;the Choir's leaflet 'Membership Matters' outlines what is expected of all Choir members, as well as giving details of how they can become involved in the week to week running of the Choir. The Membership Secretary plays an important part as a point of contact for new singers whilst they get to know RMVC and what is expected of them.</p> Mon, 18 Apr 2016 00:00:00 +0000 Musical Director: Marion Maxey https://www.romseymvc.co.uk/blog/marion-maxey https://www.romseymvc.co.uk/blog/marion-maxey <p>When Marion joined RMVC as MD in 2014 her reputation for excellence with Romsey Abbey Primary School Choir and the Romsey Youth Choir went before her. An accomplished musician and singer, she studied singing in London under Jean Austin Dobson and in 2006 was a Classic FM Music Teacher Finalist. Now with four choirs under her belt, including Romsey Voices, she is a busy, though highly dedicated MD who has brought her own style, ideas and personality to benefit RMVC, and under her leadership the Choir has once more made great musical strides. For us at RMVC she&rsquo;s simply fantastic and we love her!</p> Mon, 18 Apr 2016 00:00:00 +0000 Deputy MD & Accompanist: Richard Stannard https://www.romseymvc.co.uk/blog/richard-stannard https://www.romseymvc.co.uk/blog/richard-stannard <p>Richard is an accomplished musician and has taught music for well over 30 years including 18 as the highly respected Head of Music at Thornden School where he also formed the Thornden Community Wind Band. He brings a wealth of valuable experience to RMVC and has composed and arranged pieces especially for Choir concerts performed in Romsey Abbey and other venues. Now teaching part time at the King&rsquo;s School, Fair Oak, alongside regularly accompanying RMVC and taking the role of Deputy MD, Richard is actively involved in music and other activities at his local church, and more recently in developing countries. We are very fortunate that supporting others in their music-making through accompanying has been, and remains, one of his great pleasures.</p> Mon, 18 Apr 2016 00:00:00 +0000 Our Accompanist: Brian Budden https://www.romseymvc.co.uk/blog/brian-budden https://www.romseymvc.co.uk/blog/brian-budden <p>An active and highly dedicated musician for the whole of his career, Brian studied music in Huddersfield, before teaching in secondary schools, accompanying choirs and instrumentalists at Music Festivals and concerts and teaching keyboard for Yamaha Music (UK). He&rsquo;s a show pianist for dramatic groups, Old Time Music Halls and Pantomimes, and as well as accompanying RMVC, Brian regularly entertains in care homes across the South. If you want an unscripted, impromptu singsong at an Afterglow (as we often do), Brian has a real and enviable talent for playing anything and everything from memory and he does it so well.</p> Mon, 18 Apr 2016 00:00:00 +0000 RMVC Section Representatives https://www.romseymvc.co.uk/blog/rmvc-section-representatives https://www.romseymvc.co.uk/blog/rmvc-section-representatives <p>Our four Section Representatives, who are an integral part of RMVC&rsquo;s General Committee, play an important role in ensuring that everyone in the Choir is kept well informed about Committee decisions, up and coming concerts and other issues affecting members. They also solicit choir members&rsquo; views, acting as a conduit between choristers and the Committee as well as encouraging involvement in the running of RMVC when needed.</p> <p>For new members the Section Representatives provide support, or the link to support, that individuals may require to help them develop their voice, learn the music and settle into the Choir.</p> <p>Top Left First Tenor Rep <strong>Bryan Bolton</strong>.&nbsp; Top Right Second Tenor Rep <strong>Mick Hill&nbsp;</strong></p> <p>Bottom Left Baritone Rep <strong>Brian Cowcher</strong>. Bottom Right Bass Rep <strong>Chris Maxey</strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Tue, 07 Jun 2016 00:00:00 +0000 Librarian: Kelvin Dean https://www.romseymvc.co.uk/blog/rmvc-librarian-peter-ashby https://www.romseymvc.co.uk/blog/rmvc-librarian-peter-ashby <p style="margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt;">He ensures all members are armed with a full set and, as part of the Music Committee, adds his voice to deciding RMVC&rsquo;s annual repertoire and concert programmes. As custodian of music he takes charge of several thousands of pounds of Choir property, so we hope he&rsquo;s well insured!</p> Wed, 30 Nov 2016 00:00:00 +0000